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6 Easy Ways to Make Your Work-space Happy, Productive and Organized

by Anand Shah |January 31, 2017 | Productivity

Reduce clutter by uploading your sticky-note to-do lists into a productivity app like Wunderlist, where you can set reminders and assign tasks. (Bonus: It syncs across all your devices, so you'll never forget your list at work again.)

Pick a bulb that matches your work Bluish lighting is good for analytical problem solving, says environmental psychologist Sally Augustin, a principal at Design With Science. Warmer lighting is best suited for calming and soothing environments.

According to Augustin, office artwork should be “effortlessly fascinating.” “These are things that draw you in and give the part of your brain that has to focus a break," she says. Try realistic nature art in a temperate climate, like a forest pathway.

“Paint walls a green that's not very saturated but relatively bright, like a sage,” says Augustin. Research shows green encourages creative thinking, and light, bright hues are great for doing knowledge work.

Your morning buzz should perk you up, not weigh you down-- and sugary drinks can carry 500 calories. Registered dietitian LeeAnn Weintraub recommends chai tea instead. “You get that spicy flavor without having the high-fat coffee drink,” she says.

. If the 3 p.m. munchies have you reaching for a salty snack with crunch, bag the chips in favor of pistachios, says Weintraub. “You get the fiber and protein that are going to make them more satisfying.”

Source – Entrepreneur India