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Workstation Series

A user’s workstation chair should be comfortable but also reduces the risk factor of back and neck injuries. The computer workstation chair should be stable and allow the user to work comfortably. It should also adjustable as per one`s height and lower back. The seat should be wide and spacious with comfortable arm rest and support while working.

We are Panam Project manufacturer in Ahmedabad are here to help you choose the most comfortable workstation series of chair. Our primary focus is the give you comfort will working with style and classic look. We produce workstation chair which will be safe to sit for long hour.

The key features of our workstation chairs:

  • Adjustable height/depth to the workstation chair
  • Supports Spine while you sit on the chair
  • Comfortable seat padding
  • Adjustable Arm rest with padding
  • Strong metal frame with colour variety.